Saturday, December 30, 2006

End of the year thoughts

2006 has been a growing year. I have had to come out of my comfort zone. A lot
of blessings to be thankful for and also things have happened to make me trust in God for the future. I hope 2007 will be a blessed year for everyone.
No snow to play in this winter yet. Within the last 24 hours Saddam Hussein got executed by hanging. Purdue lost their bowl game to Maryland(no big surprise).
I am thankful though for the many blessings my family and I have had in 2006.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

How to know for sure that you will be in Heaven

Click onto the following link:
It talks about how to know you are saved in Heaven. It is a good article even though I just glanced over it. The main 5 things is goes over is the following: 1. Do you practice righteousness? (I John 2:29) 2. Do you love other Christians? (I John 2:14) 3. Do you believe Jesus is saviour? (I John 5:1) 4. Are you an overcomer? (I John 5:4) 5. Are you a habitual sinner? (I John 5:18)
I think these are 5 excellent points to look over to know if you are saved or not. Praise God for His goodness in giving us the book of I John so we can know if we are saved or not. Go to the above link and scroll down and there is a .pdf file that goes into more depth on the topic. This is the most important issue for anyone. I would appreciate any thoughts on these verses, again the Bible must be used and looked for on guidance on any topic. Have a Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

time and business

It is December 6th already. It is 10:19pm when I am writing this and I feel rushed due to not getting everything done. I need to get my wife a Christmas gift, etc, etc. However thankfully the reason for the season Jesus gives me peace during this busy time.
Nothing new in the Cook household. Michaela lost a tooth today. Looking back on this year 2006, it has went fast.
I enjoyed spending time with family during Thanksgiving time. I got to see people I hadn't seen for awhile. I got to play football 3 times in a couple weeks. That was fun. Carmen flew home.
Deana's grandma died the week of Thanksgiving with the funeral being the Wednesday before. She was over 90 years old. I don't want to be that old. She lived in her own house and was only in a nursing home for a few days so she did well.
Well I am busy and need to run.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

good links regarding tracts, etc.

To get good tracts that tells about Jesus go to Also to see news regarding Israel go to
Another good place to go to order Gospel of John's to hand out to people is
Hopefully you find these links useful.

Friday, October 27, 2006

fall, football, going to IU

Fall is here. Tonight I just got back from going roller skating at Bazz's in Rennsealer. It was fun to go skating to. The music was a little loud however it was still nice to go with Michaela and Megan. Megan had to have help. Chris Nuest, Madisyn and Braden went too. We met them there. We will have to go back.
We went to IU's campus with Melinda and Chris Wong last weekend. It was nice day on Saturday with the weather. Deana(my wife) says the fall foilage was exceptional down south. Then we spent Sunday with Josh and Jonell and mom.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
To get great tracts to witness for Jesus go to are tracts to proclaim Jesus)

Purdue's football team is where I thought they would be at this time. I guessed they would get beat by Notre Dame and Wisconsin.

Monday, October 02, 2006

car for sale

If anyone is interest in this car it has only 204,000 miles on it and runs good. Deana has had the car since she was 16 years old and then when we got married I inherited it. It was a good work car and I will miss it. I really would rather drive it however it is time to move on. I am advertising it in the Indiana Auto and RV. In life it can be hard to part with possesions. If we trust in Jesus we will never have to worry about our future. Eventually we will get a lot of miles and grow old and have rust spots like the car however if we trust in Jesus we will be made new after we die or when Jesus comes back.
I am glad that Rod Steffen checked out my blog and put down a comment. Hopefully camping will work out sometime. Josh my brother also made a comment. Hopefully Jim we can run in a 5K again. Over and out

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

running the race at Plymouth

Josh and I ran this past Labor Day on Monday at the Plymouth Blueberry Stomp. Here is the website to see our results. Josh being younger beat me by over 4 minutes I believe however I kept up with him for about 1/2 mile. It was a slow start. Also here is a picture of the race and Josh and I. The website to see our results is:
Josh had to drive fast to get to the race. If a police officer is reading this he maybe should give Josh a ticket.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Change is in the air. It is almost fall and yet getting cooler outside where I would not call it summer. Last weekend my old college roommate Rod Steffen was in town and stayed with me. My children now started school.
On the world stage it looks like the ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon(Hezbollah) is holding up. Football season starts today. Purdue plays Indiana State who they should beat pretty soundly.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

how to make pizza

Here is a website that will show you how to make pizza:

Any questions let me know we hope you enjoy your pizza

Monday, August 14, 2006

how to refurbish old baseball gloves

To buy an ebook on refurbishing baseball gloves, go to the following link: This is an ebook on refurbishing old baseball gloves. If you have any questions let me know. Thank you

Friday, August 11, 2006

summer is almost over

Summer is almost over. It is August 11th. I am here in Chicago since tomorrow is Melinda and Chris's wedding. Deana is the matron of honor in the wedding. It has been a busy day. I am looking forward to football season. Right not the Bears are on. Today also there has been a ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon. Right now I will sign off.

Friday, July 28, 2006

picture of my brother's wedding

brother's marriage

Last Saturday my brother got married. He is 24 years old. I was honored to be the best man. It was fun except I had to give a speech however it went okay. I enjoyed dancing with my wife for the first time in public. My sister put on a good slide show for them. Lots of uncles, aunts, and cousins were there it was nice to see them however I did not really get to talk to them. I felt a little sad when it was over because it went so quick. May God bless my brother and his new wife in their journey through life.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

marriage and Chicago

My brother is getting married this weekend on Saturday. I took him and some buddies on a getaway this past weekend. We went camping at the Indiana Dunes. Nice place, we played football and swam in Lake Michigan. We then walked around Chicago on Saturday, went to musuem of science and Industry. We were maybe going to go to Chicago Cubs game however we didn't. I would like to go sometime to one. Walking down on Michigan avenue I saw many different kinds of people. One lady was pregnant and homeless. I felt bad since all I did was hand her a dollar. I welcome any comments.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Blueberry season

I love this time of year when there are fireworks, time off work, and blueberry season. I just had some blueberries today and they were great. That is one of my favorite fruits. In Heaven I picture that it will be like the Garden of Eden where we can pick fruits off the trees. In Heaven work will be fun all the time, no angry customers, etc. There will be no heartaches, etc. I am going to try to sit back and enjoy the blueberry season.

Friday, June 30, 2006


God has been very good to us during our past 2 days here in Michigan. Yesterday my son Isaiah jumped in the pool in 8' deep without his floaties on. I jumped in after him since my wife and the girls had went somewhere else. I jumped in and saved him. He coughed a little water and was okay. Today my youngest son Zachary was walking on the sidewalk and fell on his front 2 teeth and chipped them both. I am praiseful they both did not fall out. My son Isaiah lost his 2 bottom teeth at about the same age due to that. We are now going to go camping. Hopefully all goes well.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Chicago Cubs

Last night after getting home from work about 10:35pm I saw that the Cubs were winning on the news in the 9th inning 5 to 4 or something like that and then I turned the TV to the game and the Cubs were already losing again in the 9th inning like 7 to 4 or something like that. It is hard to watch them. They have lost like 8 games in a row and show no signs of doing well even though Mark Pryor, Kerry Wood, and Derek Lee are back in the lineup. I think they should keep Dusty Baker though. I always will be a Cubs fan because one of these years they will go all the way, hopefully different than the 2003 year.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I have been noticing in the Journal and Courier paper,, that people have been writing in saying things that Israel stole their land. According to the Bible, Israel was given its land by God. You can read about it in Genesis. Also King David ruled from Jerusalem. It is to bad that people cannot accept that. Thankfully God offers salvation to all through Jesus. I am thankful that Israel is a nation again. To get news regarding Israel go to: Read Zechariah 14:3-4 about the Lord coming back to mount of Olives.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Chapter 18 and 17 in Revelation talks about Babylon. In the Old Testament I cannot remember where at exactly, it says that Babylon will never be inhabited again. My guess is that the Bablyon mentioned in Revelation 18:21 is meaning another place than the original Bablyonian empire. Let me know what insights anyone might have on this.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Ant farm update

The ants all died. They only lasted a few weeks I think. The died about Memorial Day. I am disappointed that they didn't last long. I fed them an apple one time and they ate that. We then put a Cheerio inside and it got moldy. I am thinking about finding some wild ants or maybe we will order more ants. I would love to hear other stories about peoples ants.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

warming up, the plants are growing

It is starting to warm up and I can tell when I look at the garden. The one watermelon plant is really growing good. We have already picked some lettuce to eat and spinach. The garden is growing pretty good I think. The weather determines a lot and keeping bugs away from it. The summer is ready to start. The schools are over. My children's school is done also. The major league baseball season is well underway. Again the Cubs are off to a disappointing start. I am looking forward to the summer for the most part.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Smokey Mountains

I am currently here at the Great Smokey Mountains. The view here is breath taking. God's creation is neat. I was talking with a guy here at the place we are staying at. He mentioned he wondered how it looked before the mountains were formed. If we look at the book of Genesis, God made the Earth in 6 days. Some scholars have determined that the Earth is only around 6,000 years old. I went to the visitors center yesterday at the Smokey Mountains and it talked about how everything formed for millions of years. That isn't correct. Have a great day.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Watermelon plants

I planted probably about 3 different patches of watermelons and only one came up probably of about 12 seeds. The weather might have something to do with it or maybe watermelons are just hard to grow. Does anyone have any insights on growing watermelons. Deana said that only half of the beans came up. On a positive note the lettuce came up well. We have 3 strawberry plants that hopefully will produce fruit next year. Any gardening tips by anyone?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code movie is out today. I would not watch a movie that puts down and degrades our Saviour Jesus Christ.
The argument is out there that the Da Vinci Code is a fictional book. I don't know Dan Brown's intentions with the book. I just hope he doesn't believe what he wrote.
Any one have thoughts on this book or movie?
I want to add here is a link for anyone to get more information:

Monday, May 15, 2006

ant farms

Are family got an ant farm about a month and a half ago. It didn't come with ants though. This past Saturday, we finally got the ants in the mail. It was during Michaela's birthday. We put the ants in the refrigerator for 15 minutes so the ants would not move around while we put them in the ant farm. It has now been 2 days and it is neat how they are making tunnels. We fed them a little piece of apple and gave them a few drops of water. It will be interesting to watch. If anyone knows anything about ant farms let me and my family know.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Does a third temple need to be built?

My question is whether or not a third temple needs to be built before Jesus returns to Earth for believers. I cannot think of clear scripture that would indicate that. Let me know if you know of any scriptures to support that.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Welcome to my blog

Good evening,

It is neat to get a blog up and going. I am looking forward to this in the future.