Sunday, October 11, 2009

pokagon state park

We went to pokhagon state park and really enjoyed it. The temp was a little cool however the Potawatami Inn was nice and clean. We went fishing at the pond near the inn and caught catfish. We rented a paddle boat on the lake. The picture is of Lake James.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

summer ending

The summer is quickly ending. School starts this week for some people. My kids start on August 24th. The summer flew by. This week you can see star showers. Should be neat. I will have to put down more posts.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Baby Chicks

We got 12 chicks last Thursday. 2 roosters and 10 hens. There are 6 yellow chicks and 6 brown/black speckled chicks. The breeds are

Buff Orpington and Silver Laced Wyondotte. There was a mix up though and we might have different breed mixed into that. Will be interesting to see how the chicks grow. So far in 5 days they already have feathers on their wings. We bought a 45 gallon container at WalMart then got a waterer as you can see in the picture along with a feeder. They are growing well. We are keeping them in our dining room.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Where's Obama

I was at church yesterday eating lunch with my 4 year old son on my lap and he asks me out of the blue "Is Obama here?" I told him that he was not and the person sitting next to me got a kick out of that. I wonder what made my 4 year old ask that question.
I pray for Obama that he can have strength in office. I am disappointed though in him taking the Mexico City policy out of effect. That now allows the US to pay for abortions overseas. Clinton did the same thing when he was in office. I am not against Obama just his policies. I will continue to pray for him.