Last week my 2 sons and I had the pleasure of visiting my sister, her husband, and her 2 children. Also my mom and brother's family were there. It was a great time. The week went fast. I love the city of Denver. If you love the mountains you will love Denver. We saw Mount Evans, which is 14,000 feet elevation. It was 90 degrees in Denver and up at the top of Mount Evans it was 42 degrees and 19 degrees wind chill. Needless to say I froze in shorts. I was not prepared. The best thing we saw was Garden of the Gods. My mom suggested it and we all loved climbing the rocks. It was great to be with family. One thing for this trip is my 2 sons and I flew since my wife and 4 daughters stayed home. It was fun to fly and the boys loved it. We flew in on Tuesday, August 4th around 3pm on southwest out of Indianapolis. The flight was great. We landed and then took a underground train to get our luggage. The area where you get your luggage had an interesting painting of a person with a mask on holding a machine gun and wearing a gas mask. I thought that looked interesting. The next picture showed people of the world and the guy in the mask and carrying the machine gun dead. The word peace was on all the people. I have attached pictures. That piqued my interest so I asked my sister and brother in law about the airport. If you look on the internet there are several conspiracy theories regarding the Denver International Airport. One is that there are 4 underground buildings. Originally 4 buildings were built and then something happened where they were told to bury them. Another is that the government operates out of the 4 underground building. Supposedly last September a comet could have hit the Earth and Obama was in Denver to go to the airport and hide out if that happen. There is a horse my sister and brother in law were telling me at the airport outside where the horses eyes are red and when the builder was making it the head fell off and killed him. I googled it and that is true. Also the airport project took longer to build and went $1 billion dollars over budget. It was interesting. I am not really a conspiracy theory type guy but I found the pictures in the airport interesting. If you google DIA you will find lots of other wierd information. I would definitely recommend Denver. It is beautiful. As far as my attached pictures go, the last picture shown is a far away picture of the horse when you drive into the airport to be dropped off. The first picture is what I saw when I went to get my luggage. This picture is with my 2 sons standing by it. The second picture is the end of the person with the machine gun and sword. I will have to do more research on this. Interesting......