Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2019 what a year

For farmers it has been a tough year.  I had a rough time getting my soybeans planted.  Usually you hope to get planted by third week of May.  This year it was first week of June.  The rain caused the delay.  The  we had some dry weather and lack of rain.  When I harvested I was hoping for 60 bushels per acre and it was instead around 41 to 42 bushels per acre.  That is disappointing.  I contribute it to late planting in better soils and then drier August weather especially first half of August.  I am thankful though to have been able to harvest them before the snow and rain.  The Lord provided just the right moisture for me to cut the soybeans when I did.  Last fall people were cutting soybeans in January and February.  The Lord helped me through this tough year.  My daughter Megan left home in August to live down in West Lafayette and to go to Ivy Tech.  The transition has went better than expected.  The Lord gave me Megan and now has taken her out in the world.  I pray for Megan to walk in Jesus.  She is in the picture below taken this summer.

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