Monday, August 21, 2023

Splash mountain in Disney World

My family and I were at Disney world's magic kingdom last Wednesday, August 16th.  I knew that Splash Mountain had closed back in February.  I was very disappointed in not being able to ride it. You can see from the pictures I took the only remnants left of Splash Mountain is some briars.  The penny coin machine, statue, and signs are all gone.  They should not have taken out Splash Mountain and replace it with Tianna's Bay.  They could have kept Splash Mountain and built Tianna's Bay somewhere else on the property.  I will take a good guess that Splash Mountain would have had more people than Tianna's Bay. The top picture shows us when we there in 2016. Well it was nice to see a little bit of Splash Mountain.  The woke police won that battle.


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