Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mainstream Media and Donald Trump

I watched the 2nd presidential debate this past Sunday night.  Wow, again the 2 moderators were actually debating with Trump.  Again I do not understand why the Republican Party agrees to such terms.  I do not understand.  Then I read that Rush Limbaugh says that the Republican Party in general does not want to win.  I think I am finally starting to see things.  I was disappointed in Donald Trump's tape over the weekend from 2005.  They were crude, horrible comments.  Trump did apologize.  I have never heard Bill and Hillary Clinton apologize.  I myself before I became a Christian(during my sophomore year of college) also was embarrassed of things I did.  I repented of those actions.  I will still be voting for Donald Trump.  Mr. Trump will put in good supreme court justices and seems to be pro-life.  Planned Parenthood is trying to get Hillary elected which tells me that Donald Trump will be pro-life.  When Paul Ryan says he will not defend Trump I now see that the Republican Party is not wanting to win.  I also now am cautious of watching the news because it is trying to brainwash us.
I will continue to pray for the election and our country. 
On a good note the Chicago Cubs won the first playoff series and now will face the winner of the Dodgers and Nationals.  I have followed the Cubs my whole life enjoying them even when they had losing seasons.  This could be the year they win the world series. 

Saturday, October 01, 2016

The Debate and the Smokey Mountains

I watched the debate on Monday night with my lovely wife and a friend.  I thought started out good until Lester Holt inserted himself.  I was in disbelieve as he would fact check Donald and never asked Hillary anything in regards to Bengazi, Clinton foundation and her emails.  When the topic of cyber security came up I thought Donald would go after her poor record.  Nothing came up except when Lester Holt asked Donald about his tax returns and Donald had to bring the emails up.  After watching the debate and thinking about it I have come to a couple of conclusions.  One is that the media does not want Donald Trump elected.  Number 2 it is scary how the media is controlling our minds.  I was in disbelieve how Donald Trump was debating against Lester Holt and Hillary Clinton.  If the American people let the media get away with this we are in trouble.  The media is controlling us worse than I thought.  I am reading a book right now "Trapped in Hitlers Hell"  about a Jewish girl how actually became a Christian.  The Nazis brainwashed the Germans.  We are being brainwashed by our media.  The debate keeps rolling around in my mind.  I am in disbelief in what I saw.  If Hillary gets elected our country is finished.  I hate to be negative however I do not believe there is hope.  As a Christian however my hope is in Jesus Christ.  I feel sorry for the people though where Jesus is not there hope.  I will be praying for my country more than ever after watching that joke of a debate.  The media and Clinton versus Donald Trump. 
On a more positive note my family went to the Smokey Mountains.  They are beautiful.  We even came upon a couple wild black bears.  That is the first time in my life to see black bears in the wild.  We were in our car though so I was not scared.  I have attached a picture I took.

Here is a picture of my son at the Smokeys.

On the way home in Kentucky we stopped by the Ark Encounter.  Ken Ham built a ark that was the same scale as the one from the Bible.  It was amazing.  I will attach a picture.  My family and I enjoyed it.  I met a Jewish guy there where he liked it also though he does not believe in Jesus.  I need to pray for him.

We need as a country to go to God otherwise we will need his ark of protection from our country if Hillary is elected.

My uncle has a blog and inspires me to keep writing on mine when I read his.  Thanks Uncle G.!


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Brexit, Hillary, and our state of the union

Brexit took place last Friday.  I am thankful for the people of Great Britian to get out of the EU.  I heard one source said that forced immigration is one reason people voted Great Britian to exit the EU.  I am thankful they let the people vote on it.  I look forward to November so President Obama will no longer be in office come January 2017.  My concern is Hillary though.  I will not go into specifics but look on news sites besides the main stream media.  Hillary has a track record that is not good.  Today a report came out on Benghazi.  She failed in that situation.  She has the email problems.  She is not fit to be president.  I am praying for Donald Trump to get elected.  On June 12th, a self proclaimed ISIS gunman killed around 50 people.  He was on the FBI's radar and actually been interviewed by them.  Also when he tried buying armour from a gun shop the gun shop owner was suspicious and alerted authorities.  There were numerous signs about this guy.  I believe that policitical correctness got in the way.  The sad thing is our DOJ(department of justice) tried sending out an edited transcript taking out the words Islamic from the call.  We as Americans need to be vigilante as our government is trying to not show us citizens all the facts.  President Obama cannot leave office soon enough.  If Hillary Clinton gets to be president though it might be over for our country.  However my faith in God shows me there is a better day even if Hillary Clinton gets in office.  I have been reading through the old testament in the Kings and Chronicles.  There were not a lot of good kings besides Hezekiah and Josiah and a few others.  God will be faithful.  I need to pray for our country. 

Thursday, May 05, 2016

The Donald Trump

Now that the Indiana primary is over and my man Ted Cruz did not win it is time to move on. I am ready to give Mr. Trump a chance. He has Dr. Ben Carson as an advisor which is a big plus. Also he said he would be careful with supreme court nominees which to me is a huge deal. The court misses Scalia greatly. I am willing to give him a chance. What I am dissapointed in seeing is that several Republicans are not giving him a chance. Mitt Romney, John McCain, and House Speaker Paul Ryan are not supporting Trump. They need to give Donald Trump a chance. Mitt Romney had his chance and could not win. Why can't Romney support Trump? The establishment is looking silly by not supporting Donald Trump.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Ted Cruz loses in Indiana primary

Planting is well underway and my boss is about 80% planted with his popcorn.  We had a 1 inch rain during the weekend so we have been out of the fields.  That gave me some time to think about and vote in the Indiana primary.  Usually the Indiana primary does not mean anything.  However, this year it was a big deal.  I knew that Indiana was a big deal for Senator Ted Cruz.  Donald Trump is rolling.  There are things I like about him however there are things I do not.  The research I have done and also listening to (american family association) I believe Senator Ted Cruz is a Christian and a man to stand up to the establishment.  John Boehner, the ex-house republican leader, ripped Ted Cruz this past week.  I thought that was a good sign.  Senator Ted Cruz is a deep thinker and a smart guy also.  I went to the polls yesterday and cast my vote for Senator Cruz.  By 7pm eating supper with the family we found out that Trump already won.  I am disappointed but it will be interesting to see who Donald Trump turns out to be once in office.  He has no record so it is a guess.  The statements he makes, ripping Senator Cruz's wife's looks, saying Cruz's dad was in a photo with JFK's assinator makes me wonder about his temperment.  I am thankful that Senator Cruz will return to the Senate to hold the Republicans responsible.  I will look back on yesterday with dissappointment however God holds the future in His hands.  With that truth we can move forward.  I know I need to pray for our nation more.  We will see how things turn out.  I am hoping Clinton will be defeated.