Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Mainstream Media and Donald Trump

I watched the 2nd presidential debate this past Sunday night.  Wow, again the 2 moderators were actually debating with Trump.  Again I do not understand why the Republican Party agrees to such terms.  I do not understand.  Then I read that Rush Limbaugh says that the Republican Party in general does not want to win.  I think I am finally starting to see things.  I was disappointed in Donald Trump's tape over the weekend from 2005.  They were crude, horrible comments.  Trump did apologize.  I have never heard Bill and Hillary Clinton apologize.  I myself before I became a Christian(during my sophomore year of college) also was embarrassed of things I did.  I repented of those actions.  I will still be voting for Donald Trump.  Mr. Trump will put in good supreme court justices and seems to be pro-life.  Planned Parenthood is trying to get Hillary elected which tells me that Donald Trump will be pro-life.  When Paul Ryan says he will not defend Trump I now see that the Republican Party is not wanting to win.  I also now am cautious of watching the news because it is trying to brainwash us.
I will continue to pray for the election and our country. 
On a good note the Chicago Cubs won the first playoff series and now will face the winner of the Dodgers and Nationals.  I have followed the Cubs my whole life enjoying them even when they had losing seasons.  This could be the year they win the world series. 

1 comment:

Ben said...

I agree that the media is trying to hand Clinton the election. After watching the debates I no longer trust a lot of the media. Fox news is about all I would watch. The wikileaks is not talked about by any networks. If it was a republican candidate that did those things, they would be forced to bow out of the election by the media. The media is trying to tell us what to think.